Choosing a daycare for your toddler is never an easy task. As a mom you probably have a hard time to let go. In addition, your little one might cry when he or she gets on the bus to go off to preschool.
However, if you keep some important tips and steps in mind, choosing a preschool should be a breeze. In addition, you will feel comforted in knowing your child is off to go to a safe haven where he or she can learn some basic things.
Here are some recommended steps for choosing a preschool or daycare.
STEP 1: Research Your Area
Researching your area is the first step to finding the appropriate preschool. You may want to do several things. You can do a simple online search and look at online reviews. Using a search term like daycare near me will bring up local results and reviews of local daycares.
Or visit the school in person.
We recommend that you visit the preschools and daycares you are considering. The reason why this is so important is due to several things:
- You will get a feel for the school itself
- You’ll meet some of the people who work there
- You’ll get to see the facility first hand rather than just in pictures
- You can assess the way you feel about the school or daycare
STEP 2: Ask Your Friends
Asking your friends is an important step to choosing the right preschool. Chances are, your friends will have some knowledgeable advice to give if they have children or have heard things about daycares nearby.
Asking for personal references is one of the best ways to choose a school. No one would ever recommend a school or daycare they thought wouldn’t be perfect for you and your child.
STEP 3: Take A Tour
As we stated previously, calling the school and taking a tour is a great way to get a feel for the atmosphere and the people who work there. You will want to take note of several things:
- Is the daycare clean and well-kept?
- Do the workers seem friendly, warm, and happy?
- How do the children seem? Are they happy and carefree or do they seem scared and uncomfortable?
Not everyone is great at caring for children in a supportive, nurturing way. You’re going to want to make sure the daycare you choose is! They will essentially be replacing you during the day so your child should be in good hands.
STEP 4: Inquire About Programs
Does the daycare you are looking at offer different programs? Do they have a day program and aftercare too? You can find out what type of programs your daycare in question offers by giving the facility a call or looking at their website.
In addition, you will want to find a program that suits your needs as far as a style of learning. Do you want hands-on learning or something more teacher-oriented? Brooklyn daycare Seneca Village Montessori School offers a hands-on education style that inspires children to be more confident and independent. Taking all this into consideration is crucial to your success in finding the right school!
STEP 5: Learn About Activities
What types of activities does the daycare provide? Do they do reading and coloring or is it focused on spending time playing with blocks and other toys?
You will want to be aware of how the school is run and what type of enrichment will be provided for your child. In doing so, you will reap the rewards and see the benefit of your child’s happiness and positive development.
Things to look for:
- Children are active in the daycare and busy
- Kids seem to have a variety of things to do
- They have an activity schedule
Choosing the right daycare or preschool for your child is never easy. It takes a little bit of footwork and research to do it and find the proper school.
There are also a lot of things to consider when choosing a preschool. Finding a school that has plenty of activities, happy staff and more is vitally important to your child thriving in his or her first few years.
We hope you have found this post informative and we wish you luck in finding a daycare for your little one!
More Tips on Finding the Right Childcare
My sister wants to find a good daycare for their son. I am glad you suggest checking online reviews to help you find one. I’ll make sure my sister reads online reviews before she chooses a daycare for my nephew.
It’s very good advice to take a tour of a daycare facility when choosing one. I am looking for a new daycare for my daughter and will consider doing this. I hope I can find a reputable daycare where my daughter can thrive.