Although it’s just mid-July, many parents are already on the hunt for school supplies for high school. However, if you live in Virginia (or one of many other states), you won’t be able to find a high school supply list.
Parents are used to school supply lists being published in July so they can begin shopping before the new school year starts in August or September.
My Search for a High School Supply List
I just realized something yesterday. I had received a couple of emails about my son’s first year of high school. I replied to the email asking about the supply lists for this school year.
The response I received? “They don’t have one in high school.”
I posed the same question to a friend who has had three high schoolers. She answered the same way the principal did.
I asked another parent in Ohio and she said her schools were the same.
I don’t have a problem with not having an exhaustive list of the specific supplies. But, give me something. For example, I know that 9th graders could potentially be in several different math classes. There’s no way to create one list that would apply to them all.
But, there should be a list for each Math class that you can follow, depending on which class your child is enrolled in.
Lots of parents were upset about the unavailability of a high school supply list, based on Facebook comments made during the last few years.
What Other Parents Had to Say About High School Supplies
- High school [supply lists] they give you like on [the] first day of school on the syllabus.
- So many different classes.
- High schools classes are very diverse so there is no overall supply list.
- A last minute scramble to attempt to get everything they need AFTER school begins? Ignorance.
- I usually just ask my high schoolers what kind of materials they think they would need.
- They usually don’t post them until they pick up schedules. They will be on the doors or on the walls beside each classroom if it’s the same as it’s been the last few years.
- Check with the high school.
- They usually give the kids a couple of days after school starts to get what they need for each class.
I also shared this parental feedback with my friend and she said that it would never have occurred to her that people were upset about it. She said that she doesn’t like supply lists and that her kids were happy they finally got to pick their own stuff.
Me? Not so much. I like to shop early. And, my son’s going into the 9th grade – school supplies for high school are bound to be different from those required in elementary and middle schools.
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous to tell parents to wait until the first week of school to know which school supplies for high school you’ll need to buy.
There’s already enough of an adjustment to make during that week. Add on top of that – school supply shopping? Ain’t nobody got time for that!
What Veteran Parents Already Know About School Supplies for High School
The problem with school supplies for high school is that it depends on which classes your kids take.
I’ve been told that high school teachers are less rigid than those at elementary and middle schools.
As long as the kids can take notes in class, have a way to tote all their stuff around, and keep it organized, they’ll be fine.
Rarely will the teacher require something specific, just for that class.
That’s great! I want to tell first-time high school parents THAT. We’re over here freaking out because our kid is starting high school. That’s a big deal!
High School Supply List
Although “official” supply lists are not issued for high schools, these are things you’ll definitely need to stock up on –
- notebook paper (college ruled)
- pencils
- pens
- highlighters
- 4″ x 6″ lined index cards
- pocket folders
- binder with dividers, for each class
- notebooks (college ruled)
for each class
- dry erase markers
- colored pencils
- graphing calculator
- laptop computer
(or access to one)
- printer
- printer/copy paper
- printer ink
- flash drive
(or access to on line storage)
- graph paper
- composition book
- box(es) of tissue(s)
- physical education uniform
(or t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers, according to guidelines)
- get more specifics during the first week of school or during orientation
This list of school supplies for high school is a general or comparable school supplies list. It is a recommended list only and may not exactly match the school supplies your child may need. I suggest that you consult with your school to find a more comprehensive school supplies list, and/or contact your child’s teacher to find out exactly what he or she will need for the upcoming school year.
But this will definitely give your child a great start! And whatever he/she doesn’t use in class can be used at home for homework, projects, studying for quizzes/tests, and general study.
This is great but I can’t print it because I am already a subscriber. I am a subscriber but I hope you can send me a copy soon.