Whoever you are, wherever you come from and whatever your life looks like: spirit guides are always trying to send you messages. Some spirit guides have been in your life since your birth and other spirit guides came to help when you needed them. You can use your free will to ask spirit guides to help. In this article, you’ll learn the five different types of spirit guide names who could be on your team.
Archangels are leaders in the angelic world and have a powerful and large energy signature. If you are an empath or if you are sensitive to energy, you can feel an energy shift in space when you call on an archangel.
Each archangel has its own specialty, for example Archangel Raphael specializes in healing and can work with countless people at once.
Guardian angels
We are all guided by more than one guardian angel. Guardian angels have dedicated their lives to helping you.
Call on them at any time for quick assistance. They love you unconditionally, forever.
Remember, angels do not subscribe to any specific faith and work with people of all faiths and with all kinds of different spiritual beliefs. With a soulmate reading, you can learn more guardian angels.
Spirit animals
Spirit animals can be pets you once had that are now part of your team of spiritual guides. Spirit animals can further be any animal that has something to teach you.
For example, the peacock can teach you about the importance of beauty or of confidently displaying your talents, or the wolf who shows you that you must meet your basic survival needs. Spirit animals can appear to you in a dream, in your garden, or on your co-worker’s coffee mug.
Spiritual masters
Spiritual masters like Buddha or Saint Mary were once human and underwent journeys of deep spiritual growth and influence in their lives. Now they have a special place as leaders in the spiritual world and as guides and teachers for people like you.
Deceased loved ones
Loved ones who left the earth, may choose to be one of your spiritual guides and actively support you from heaven by helping you in very practical ways. Think about putting career opportunities on your path or making sure you are allowed to form nurturing relationships.
One of your grandmothers may be an important spiritual guide for you, whether you knew her well or not. In fact, anyone who has passed away can become a spiritual guide for you.
If you are a dancer, it could be that you have a spiritual guide who was once a dancer and now wants to help and inspire you as an artist.
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