It’s that time of year again. Time to climb up into the attic in search of winter clothes or holiday decorations.
As you dig through bags and push boxes around, you should always look out for droppings, nests, and other signs of unwelcome guests.
The attic is one of the most popular spots in your home for wildlife to gather, especially in the winter. It’s a warm, quiet spot that offers protection from the winter conditions outside. How do you keep pests away?
First, consider contacting a wildlife control service to conduct monthly inspections and safely remove any animals that could be harmful. Additionally, try these expert tips for keeping pests out of the attic.
Secure Entry Points
One of the reasons the attic is so popular is that there are usually several easy access points. Vents, chimneys, and cracks in the roof or siding make it easy for critters to sneak in. Inspect your attic inside and out to find these entry points and get rid of them.
Place covers on the chimney and vents to keep rodents and other small animals out. It’s also a good idea to trim branches of nearby trees so that pests can’t use them as a bridge to get to your attic. Finally, ensure you check your attic for cracks, holes, and other wear and tear that could let bugs and critters in.
Keep the Insulation in Good Shape
Poor insulation is perfect nesting material for pests. Critters love to chew up or dig through insulation. If your attic’s insulation is exposed, you can bet an unwanted guest will make their way in. One of the best tips for keeping pests out of the attic is to inspect your insulation regularly.
Keeping your attic insulation in good shape will help secure the space and deter intruders. At the same time, keeping pests at bay will help keep your insulation in good shape. Accomplish both at the same time by learning how long your attic insulation lasts and taking steps to repair it or have it replaced by an insulation removal company when needed.
Store Items Carefully
The attic is a great place for storage, but some items will act as a pest magnet. Avoid keeping pet food or anything else that would entice bugs and critters out in the open. You should also keep an eye on wood, books, or cardboard boxes, as many pests love to dig through these materials.
If you do store these items in the attic, put them in secure storage boxes. Sealable plastic bins are great for deterring pests and keeping your belongings safe.
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