Like many of you, I am a bodybuilder. My constant goal is to improve, in health and in strength. I am one of the many bodybuilders from all over the world who improves their performance with the help of a healthy diet, daily routine, and the power of SARMs. You also may find your ideal information about SARMs on
SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. And just like the name states, they are selective in what they attach too. One of the best and by far most potent of the SARMs that I choose to cycle with are known as S23 SARMs. When you begin a cycle with S23, get ready for some pretty awesome changes within your physique.
I truly know this first hand. S23 has given me many advantages. That is why I am here to share them with you. That is why as long as you do your research properly, you too can see these benefits from the most powerful SARM on the market today. I personally, feel it is stronger than RAD-140 and S4.
So, basically, these androgen receptors only bind to your muscle and tissue within your body. You don’t have to worry about it affecting other organs. This is a big plus in my book. Currently, there are many bodybuilders like myself who use S23 SARMs. This is definitely because of the amazing results we gain when using it.
In this post, my goal is to help you learn about the many benefits I get from using S23 during an 8-week cycle. By the end of this, you will even know where to go and get 100% real S23.
S23 SARMs Benefits
Essentially, S23 triggers the muscles and bones. It builds muscle mass and makes my bones much stronger. Generally, SARMs like S23 give you the same benefits as steroids do without the extremely nasty side effects. So, really all you get from SARMs is the anabolic benefits instead of what you get with steroids. Basically, this is my entire reason for choosing SARMs to add to my workout routine.
An additional use that you may not know about, is that S23 SARMs are used as a male contraceptive. This is because it acutely reduces the male sperm count. It is important to note though, that it only reduces the sperm count during a cycle. Scientifically speaking, it works to restrain the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). These two are responsible for triggering the testes to produce sperm.
Basically, when S23 cracks down on these hormones, it reduces not only testosterone levels but sperm count as well. This is why it is in the works to becoming the male form of birth control. What is really great about that is that it has no lasting effects on reproduction.
For me personally, I experience many benefits when using S23 for a cycle. My cycles last 8-weeks. However, I begin to experience the benefits as soon as 4-weeks.
Benefits for Your Muscles and Bones With S23 SARMs
So, I definitely want to point out that there is an extreme increase in my lean muscle mass when I use S23. Additionally, I see the benefits within my bones. That said, I owe it to the creating of new lean muscle mass. It is a definite advantage. I can see that the muscle mass created does not result in extra fat or water weight.
Importantly, it increases the muscle mass without being harmful to my body, like the way that steroids would. The thing about steroids is that even though you gain muscle mass it is usually the result of bloating and fat. That is definitely not what I aim for, personally. Steroids work by increasing the estrogen in your blood. So, sorry, not sorry. I don’t need any extra estrogen thanks.
Additionally, with S23 I notice a steady increase in my bone density. There tends to be a lot of extra tension on my bones when I’m building. So, noticing that I am able to do more without that extra stress really helps. Plus, the muscles around my bones increase as well.
With S23, I can take either a high or a low dose, of course, sticking to taking the same amount through my cycle, and I still receive the same benefits. It is a win-win.
Sexual Benefits with S23 SARMs
Okay, so of course you already know that S23 reduces your sperm count while you are on a cycle. This is definitely beneficial if you are seeking male birth control. However, it is important to still practice other methods of safe sex, because at first, you don’t really know how your system will react to it.
It is also proven to increase sex drive in females. This genuinely provides a better method than testosterone for women. That said, doctors generally prescribe it to women going through menopause.
Additionally, S23 SARMs Will:
They will definitely help you lose weight. I have had major success with S23 in this regard. Plus, I continue to gain lean muscle mass. There is also added benefit when it comes to the prevention of muscle wasting. So, every cycle, I lose only fat, never muscle. This is exactly how to keep and hold onto your gains.
Where to Buy S23 SARMs
So, by now, I must have piqued your interest in the world of this extremely potent SARM. The next question is, where to get it? The answer is pretty simple. When looking for any SARM, you should make sure that you get a company that provides 100% REAL SARMs. They should also include third-party testing. Of course, they will need to include the results of the testing on their website.
The site I am about to recommend possesses all of these traits. They even provide excellent customer service. This is because they genuinely value their customers. That, my friends, is hard to find these days, truly it is.
This is why you should Buy S23 for fitness training from is the only company I trust when it comes to the SARMs I put in my body. I want you to be just as safe as I am. And I most certainly don’t want you to fall victim to a scam. So trust me when I say, will get you SWOLE AS F*CK!
Most people do an Ostarine dosage of 20mg a day when they want to bulk. S23 is basically a concentrated form of s4 or andon. If you use this properly it can help, lean muscle mass and muscle growth much more than s4 by far, and s4 is already known as, an extremely powerful muscle-building compound if you want you can visit this site
How did you go about finding a good dosage for usage as a female body builder?