Shuttling your kids to school, extra-curricular activities, and playdates takes a lot of gas, so you may need to fill up frequently and spend a lot of money each week on gas. Investing in an eco-friendly vehicle with great fuel economy is a good way to save money at the gas pump, but changing your driving habits has a better impact on your mileage. Use these five tips to improve your fuel efficiency only go.
1. Keep Up With Routine Maintenance
When you buy a new Toyota for sale, you make a huge investment. You want to help it last for as long as possible, so engaging in routine maintenance makes sense. These appointments allow maintenance workers to change the air filters, replace worn-down brake pads, replace spark plugs, and inflate tires when necessary. All of these small maintenance tasks help improve fuel efficiency.
2. Slow Down
Most vehicles are the most fuel-efficient when they operate at 50 mph. If you travel faster, your car likely uses more gas with every mile. By slowing down and resisting the urge to speed through the city, you can maximize your fuel efficiency and get the most mileage out of every tank of gas.
3. Choose the Shortest Route
When you spend a lot of time in the car sometimes you start to take longer routes that are more scenic and make driving more enjoyable. This may benefit your mental health, but it is also a huge waste of gas. If you want to optimize your fuel efficiency, plan out all of your errands and study the route carefully to ensure you choose the shortest option.
4. Use Cruise Control
Cruise control is a feature available on every modern vehicle model, but it is not used as frequently as it could be to optimize fuel efficiency. The purpose of cruise control is to reduce the amount of gas used to travel between destinations. It is not efficient when traveling in the city because there are so many starts and stops, but if you spend a lot of time on the highway, cruise control is hugely advantageous. Use it as often as possible whenever you drive at high speeds for large chunks of time.
5. Avoid Idling
You may leave your car idling while you wait in the pickup line at school or wait to pick up take-out curbside. Although this habit allows you to listen to the radio and run the heat or air to maintain a comfortable temperature, it also wastes gas. Turning off your vehicle instead of allowing it to idle is one of the best ways to optimize fuel efficiency.
Maximize Your Fuel Efficiency and Save Money On Gas
Many moms spend a lot of time in the car shuttling their kids to various destinations. If you own a fuel-powered vehicle, you likely spend significant money on gas. Use these five tips to maximize your fuel efficiency so you can go longer between visits to the gas station and save money at the pump.
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