Due to the increase of greenhouse gasses, EU governments like Belgium and Germany have started to push for the increase of sustainable electrical energy production.
As one of the main alternatives, solar power systems have become widely used not only for the household but also for industrial needs, and if you are looking into them – here’s what you’ll need to know.
The importance of a good plan – 5 requirements to having one
Before proceeding with a potentially expensive but vital investment, it’s important to consider a couple of things that would help us understand what our needs are and how to meet them. The goal of this text is to provide enough information and stepping stones for people to use when creating their own solar home.
- Calculate your power consumption
As one of the most important aspects for a home of industry, power consumption requirements and needs should be heavily considered a priority. In fact, these are the main concerns when building a solar powered system, because if the system itself cannot supply enough electricity, then it is not as good of an investment as it could have been.
- Adjust your needs
With the general power grid being so reliable and abundant, modern people have come used to having constant access to power and energy. However, if you are living in an off-grid solar house, then you should adjust your needs because solar houses are not as energy-abundant as on-grid ones.
Due to several factors, like clouds, lack of sunlight during the evening, dirty solar panels, and so on, off-grid living comes with some healthy restrictions. Those restrictions are connected with the electrical power consumption of a family and what it can do to lower its requirements without this causing discomfort.
- Consider your property’s location
The amount of sunlight which a specific location receives depends on the time of the year, the altitude of the property, whether there are obstructions or not and what those obstructions are. A house which is next to a forest would receive a lot less direct sunlight than a property which is in a clearing.
You should also consider the movement and the sun, where it is rising from compared to your house and where you can put your main solar panels. Most urban properties use their roof space, however, the angle and the position of these rooftops may be a hindrance.
- Get the right solar panel types
There are several types of solar panels and other accessories connected to them. Companies like ElmarkHolding.eu have two general types of solar power systems, those meant for on-grid and those which are meant for off-grid living.
Off-grid systems require a batch of batteries that can store and hold solar energy so it can be used during the night or later on. What is right for you depends on the points we mentioned above.
- Make sure to install them correctly
The installation process should be handled by trained professionals since it will generally affect the performance and overall efficiency of your system. The correction installation should be one that takes into consideration light hours, the position of the house, and the movement of the sun.
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