As a cigar smoker, one of the tools which you need to keep handy is your cigar lighter. A cigar lighter is a major thing needed, aside from the cigar of course.
The total smoking experience can be impacted greatly by the lighter used. Due to this, you must choose a good cigar lighter. Your entire smoking experience can be ruined if you have a bad cigar lighter.
Therefore, choosing a good cigar lighter is something that all cigar smokers should take seriously. When choosing a cigar, there are some important factors that you need to consider. To prevent you from picking the first cigar lighter you see, below are some factors which you need to consider.
Type of lighter
To a new cigar smoker, all lighters look relatively the same. However, an experienced cigar smoker knows that lighters are all different. Disposal lighters are the perfect choice for a smoker who wants to travel and needs to pack lightly. On the other hand, standard lighters should be the choice for a cigar smoker.
There’s also the solid-hinged refillable lighter you can get from a wholesale star lighters store for those looking for sleek and classic-looking lighters.
Fluid lighters have been known to change the flavor of cigars. So when choosing a cigar lighter, be sure to think about the type of lighter you need.
The size
Before you pick just about any cigar lighter, you need to think about its size. The size you need should correspond with the size of the cigar. Choosing a small lighter for your large cigar can be stressful. Not only will it take longer to burn, but it will also give an uneven burn. If you know that you smoke large cigars, always go for large cigar lighters and vice versa.
The smoking environment
You must consider the environment in which you will smoke your cigar. Cigar smokers who live at high altitudes need to get lighters that work at high altitudes. If you smoke in a fairly windy place, you need to get a cigar lighter that is windproof. Getting the wrong cigar lighter for the wrong environment can be pretty stressful. To avoid unnecessary stress by thinking about where you will be smoking.
The ignition
Cigar smoking should be a smooth and stress-free activity. Therefore, you need to make it as easy as it can be. Getting a cigar lighter with a stiff ignition does not make smoking easy at all. A good cigar lighter should have an ignition that is as smooth as it can be. This is a very important factor that should be considered before you choose a cigar lighter.
The style
Cigar lighters usually come in a variety of colors and designs. If you live on rough terrains, go for a cigar lighter with a durable design or structure. On the other hand, you can get something fancier if your terrain allows it.
Wrapping Up
Although cigar smoking should be an easy activity, a bad lighter can spoil it all. Therefore, be sure to consider the factors mentioned above before choosing a cigar lighter. Finally, opt forbecause its durable.
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