Are you looking for a list of books for your Kindergarten – 5th grader to read? I’ve compiled a list of must read books that your child is sure to enjoy!
Reading is an essential part of any childhood. It allows children and parents to escape into another world and even the opportunity to bond with each other.
My daughter started Kindergarten in August. They are learning sight words and are on the path to becoming readers. It is so exciting!
The following books are must reads for all children between five and ten years old:
The Astounding Broccoli Boy
The Farm Beneath The Water
The basic storyline covers the battles of a small group of children, desperate to save the family farm. The result is a school play which saves the day. The Farm Beneath the Water is exceptionally well written and the characters are brought to life as though they are sitting next to you.The Door That Led To Where
The mean streets of London are filled with troubled teenagers, who inadvertently discover a doorway to the 19th century. Romance ensues on both sides of the portal along with heinous enemies; the question is where will the teenagers stay when the portal closes?
Kids should start reading from a very early age. Parents must help them get started; read to them aloud as often as possible and you might help them develop a passion for books. Be patient, kids 5 – 10 can be rather picky!
By Paul Trevino and!