Writing is a fundamental tool in your skill arsenal. It is a basal constituent of any all-around competent and intelligent human being. Its usefulness is truly all-encompassing – covering an entire range of industries and spheres.
Dear youngsters, we know it is hard to convince you of the importance of something you are too lazy to do, but bear with us as we try to explain why writing is an essential practice for your healthy mental development and future success!
Academics success
Almost every subject involves writing in one way or the other—even science. To the surprise of many outsiders, science is not predominantly made of numbers and alien hieroglyphics; science is made of words. Your English lit class aside, writing skills will come in handy in every class you take and supercharge your overall academic performance. Sure, you can partly rely on online writing services to bail you out (when you do, by the way, we personally recommend ProEssaysService), but sooner or later, your lack of writing skills will catch up and bite you from behind. Writing is involved to a varying degree in every type of learning.
The same applies to your professional career. Regardless of your career of choice, a high command of written and spoken language will be essential for effective communication.
Cognitive development
Every maths teacher is fed up with the cynical question: ‘’but when am I going to use this in real life?’’ What kids at a young age fail to understand is that while derivatives and logarithms will have no direct use in most students’ non-scientifically inclined futures,
analytical processing involved in maths enhances their common sense and helps develop logical reasoning that will be applicable in almost all aspects of everyday life.
The same goes for writing. You might not be planning on becoming a writer, but writing practice develops overall intelligence. Studies show that language learning and practice open up new neural pathways and boost brain development. Precise word choices and well-structured sentences, for example, are a sign of level-headedness and clarity of thought. Long disused words and phrases surfacing from oblivion when you need them is your memory working hard. And, of course, writing helps improve creative thinking and expand your imagination.
Everyone needs some means of creative self-expression. Singing and dancing are not for everyone. Painting and acting require talent that not everyone possesses. Writing, on the other hand, is much less exclusive and more approachable, yet it can be as powerful and influential as any painting or a symphony. It’s an everyman’s art and a unique fingerprint.
Colleges are a primary determinant of your professional success in life. Anyone who’s taken SATs will tell you that universities evaluate applicants based largely on their writing ability. The younger you are, the better you learn, but as a kid, you won’t have the foresight grown-ups do; so to all the parents: before you support kids in college, make sure to nag them into acquiring necessary writing skills to end up in the right one.
Writing improves your speech
Spoken language is the primary means of communication. And Writing is something like a background workshop for your speaking skills. It’s where you expand your vocabulary,
improve phrasing, word choice, and sentence structuring, which are all going to translate into improving your speech.
Here’s a recap of the main takeaways
- Writing is key to academic success.
- Writing practice significantly boosts cognitive development.
- Your writing lets people peek at your personality traits and gauge your brainpower.
- Good writing ability will pave your way to a top university.
- Writing improves your spoken language skills.
Final thoughts
Writing is a very visible skill that people are going to judge you over. To the recipients of your work, your writing is a telling sign of who you are and what you are all about. It gives them an insight into your mental abilities and personality. We are going to consider this article a success if we manage to convince even one person to pursue this powerful skill!
Carl Hill is an experienced content writer and an amateur web designer. He also hosts a writing blog that’s highly popular and successful – averaging 100 re-posts per post. In his free time, Carl enjoys going to tropical countries on vacation to practice scuba diving and other aquatic sports.
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