It’s an exciting time for kids when they make the transition from having playdates to sleepovers, but it can be a bit stressful for parents.
Obviously, you shouldn’t let that stop you from allowing them to go, but it’s still a legitimate concern. To help with that fear, we’re here to let you know what your child should bring for a sleepover.
Their Smart Device
This is the one that will help ease your worries about sending them to a friend’s house for the night. If your child has a way for you to contact them to see how they’re doing, this should help reduce your stress about the situation. It doesn’t have to be a smartphone, either. You can get your kid a smartwatch if you feel like they aren’t ready for a phone quite yet.
Whichever they bring, your child will be more than happy to take it along, especially if it’s brand-new. They can show it off to their friends, send each other memes, or possibly play some games together.
Various Toys
Speaking of games, you might want to send your kid over with some toys to play with. Sure, the friend hosting may have plenty for everyone to use, but the more, the merrier.
For example, if your kid brings a Nintendo Switch and their friend has one too, they can play with each other easily. Board games and other toys that are fun with others are also solid choices.
Sleeping Items
Even though the kids won’t want to sleep, they’ll pass out eventually, so you’ll need to make sure they’re prepared. Bringing a sleeping bag or an air mattress is a must, but you might want to send them with a pillow and blanket in case their friend’s family doesn’t have enough extras. You should also ensure that they have their hygiene products, such as a hairbrush, toothbrush, and toothpaste.
A Small Snack
The last thing on our list of what your child should bring for a sleepover is a little snack. The hosts will definitely have enough food, but if your child is picky or has a food allergy, giving them something that you know they’ll like isn’t a bad idea.
Even without those issues, the host family could run out of snacks at some point during the night. Either way, your child will be prepared.
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