After years together, it can be easy to lose that early love spark. Here are the little things you can do to keep the spark alive.
My husband and I have been together since I was in high school. I’m celebrating my 20 year high school reunion this year. Yikes!
While we haven’t been married all that time, we’ve been married long enough for me to know that marriage is HARD WORK. It’s not successful automatically. You have to care. You have to try. You have to be willing to compromise.
As we’ve gotten to know each other better, we’ve gotten on each other’s nerves, had some of the best times of our lives, and made it through the toughest challenges.
But, it is SO worth it. When you go through trials and come out on the other side, it is such a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
After years together, it can be easy to lose that early love spark. Here are the little things you can do to keep the spark alive.
Communicate Throughout the Day
My husband works for a national delivery company, so he is on the road all day. I call him every day on my lunch break.
We talk for 10-15 minutes about how our days are going and if there are any arrangements we need to make for evening plans or anything going on with the kids. Then, I’ll call him when I leave work and we catch up on the happenings of the second half of our day.
Have a Regular Date Night
Every week, on the same night, my husband and I get out of the house and go somewhere alone for dinner. It might be fast food, it might be a nice steak restaurant. It’s important for us to spend time alone without the kids. We try not to talk about kids, bills, or household problems.
We laugh, joke, listen to music, enjoy a good meal, and appreciate each other’s company. It’s a non-negotiable that we both have grown to look forward to each week. The only thing that keeps us in the house is childcare falling through or a snowstorm!
Flirt Like You Used To
Switch things up. When you’re getting ready for date night, don’t let him see you until you’re all ready and made up. He’ll be surprised when he gets to see the finished product. He may ask to see you get undressed then. 😉
How did you show your guy you were interested when you first got together? Did you smile, wink, brush up against him, show up in places you knew he would be? Do all of those things now, too. I’m sure he still likes them.
Send him a text that says ‘I have a surprise for you tonight.’
Keep Up Your Appearance
After spending a considerable number of years together, we tend to get comfortable with our appearance. Did you wake up one day, look in the mirror, and think who is THAT woman staring back at me?
I know I have.
It’s easy to let your standards slide because you feel like you’ve gained weight, you have to take care of the kids, or you’re pulled in so many different directions.
I promise you – when you do things that make you look your best (examples: exercise, eat healthy, wear flattering clothing, style your hair, get your nails done, accentuate your features with makeup, etc.), you will have more confidence and that confidence will spill over into your relationship.
Get Creative
Are you stuck in the same bedroom routine? Same places? Same positions? Same day and time? Your love life should not be as predictable as the 6 o’clock news!
Shake it up! There are also other things that can help, like Fiera®.
What is Fiera?
• Fiera is not a sex toy. It is not designed for orgasm. Women and couples seek out Fiera for the emotional benefit (intimacy/ closer connection) that it offers.
• Fiera® is scientifically proven to enhance physical arousal and increase interest in sex.
How does Fiera work?
• Fiera is for “Before-Play.” It’s used for a few minutes prior to sex and then removed when she feels interested and physically aroused, and ready for a pleasurable sexual experience with her partner. Simply remove it when you feel warmed-up and in the mood. Fiera’s unique combination of gentle suction and stimulation increases the sensations of tingling and fullness that accompany sexual arousal.
• This product is not intended to treat a medical condition. Fiera is for all normal, healthy women whose level of interest in sex or physical arousal isn’t what it once was, and they want more
Why Fiera?
• While Fiera is created for all women who wish they had more interest or a better physical arousal response, post-menopausal women report particularly strong results with the product, since they are experiencing hormonal changes that can impact their enjoyment of sex.
• Fiera was created with couples in mind. Together you’ll enjoy stronger intimacy and a revitalized sex life.
Want to try Fiera to help you keep the spark alive?
Use this exclusive, online coupon for $50 off and free shipping to try Fiera with your partner when ordered here. Use Coupon Code = 6ACOUPLES.
Also, sign up for their Relationship Refresh newsletter to get more ideas on how to keep the romance in your life alive and well, too.