This week’s best time saving tips for busy moms including time management and time for mom:
Time Management for Moms – tips on getting your workouts in!
As a fairly new mom…I want to share with you some tips that I’ve used over the past year or so to get my workouts in, as well as some that my friends that have older children have shared with me.
Find out which tasks are trivial, what to delegate, and unleash the power of writing things down
I Love You, too. Now Please Go Away.
Like so many other parents, I had all sorts of plans before my daughter was born. I got a Pack-N-Play for her to lie in while I worked on the computer. A sling to carry her around in so I had my hands free.
8 Time Management Tips for Work-at-Home Moms
Having a schedule is crucial but we all know with kids things don’t always go as planned. Between colds, stomach bugs, bumps and bruises and overtired children, we have to learn to roll with the punches.
It is still essential to have a general schedule to keep everything flowing and so you can cross items off your list.
Here are a few things I’ve found that help me manage my time while working from home with little ones.
How do you keep it all together? Share your tips in the comments.
Photo Source: Flickr curiouskiwi
Posted by: Raki Wright