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Here are policies to keep in mind when shopping at Super Dollar Discount Foods:
Super Dollar Discount Foods is so confident of the quality of our store brands that we will cheerfully refund DOUBLE YOUR ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE if you are not totally satisfied with your store brands purchase. Returned product must be accompanied by the original receipt.
Coupon policies:
- Does not allow overage.
- Accepts internet coupons (must scan at the register, must have serial numbers and follow industry – standard formats, must clearly indicate the coupon is a manufacturer coupon and have a valid manufacturer address on the printed coupon)
View Food City / Super Dollar Discount Foods coupon policies
- Features mostly non-name brand grocery items at their stores, and offer very low prices on many of their items.
- Save up to 40% every day
Super Dollar Discount Foods and all logos are trademarks of Super Dollar Stores, Inc.