What does the phrase “Organizing your mind” mean to you? Read on…
It’s a trick question! I don’t think you can organize your mind.
“The essence of GTD is “mind like water“–which in karate means a position of perfect readiness.” -David Allen, Author of GTD
If You Use Your Mind to Organize Your Thoughts, It Will Be a Jumbled Mess
Use pen & paper (or an electronic tool) to organize your thoughts and to remember short-term things.
-to do lists
-reference lists
If You Use Your Mind to Remember Short-Term Things, It Will Disappoint You
How many times have you said I don’t need to make a grocery list, I can remember these 5 things and purchased 20 things at the store (none of which were these 5 things)?
How many times have you needed to do 3 things before you left the house for work and remembered one of them just as you were walking into work (take out meat for dinner, give child medicine, put your lunch bag into the car)?
Your Mind is for Processing
I’m a visual person, so it’s very hard for me to think through an idea. Often, I will talk it out (yes…to myself… sometimes out loud…while driving). More often, I will write it down. I’ll write down a thought, a problem, or a project idea. Then, I will begin to work out the details, possible solutions, or tasks.
The mind is like a processor, not a container or filing cabinet.