Hailstorms create dangerous weather conditions that come unexpectedly. If you’re not prepared for a hailstorm, your car could suffer severe exterior damage, such as dents, scratches, or shattered windows.
Hail damage could lead to costly repairs if you leave your car exposed during the storm. Cover your car using shields or parking under a shelter to protect your car in a hailstorm.
Check Weather Forecasts Regularly
Before you set out for the day, stay informed of weather reports. Check your weather app or the weather channel for updates, and enable real-time alerts for hailstorms. This will give you ample time to move your car to a safe location until the storm passes.
Plan Your Routes Wisely
Traveling far distances could be dangerous if a hailstorm is heading your way. Familiarize yourself with nearby gas stations and other public areas where you can take cover before the first bit of ice falls. Protect your car in a hailstorm by adjusting to your environment and seeking shelter when need be.
Find Covered Parking
Park your car in the garage to shield it from harsh weather. Keeping your car in a covered area is one of the easiest ways to shield it from hail. If you’re driving during a hailstorm, seek cover in commercial parking lots.
Install a Carport at Home
Carports are useful installations for homeowners who don’t have access to a garage. These are relatively easy to set up, and they protect your car against many weather conditions. Provide shelter for your car, and shield it from intense precipitation.
Invest in a Car Cover
When you can’t seek shelter, protect your car with a high-quality cover. It can withstand extreme weather thanks to its dense padding. Let these covers absorb the impact of hailstones to minimize dents on your car.
Use Blankets and Mats in Emergencies
If covered parking or hail tarps aren’t available, use thick blankets and mats to absorb the impact of hailstones. Secure these covers with bungee cords or duct tape to cushion the blow. While it won’t provide complete protection, it will temporarily reduce the impact until the storm clears.
Whether you’re out and about or relaxing at home, you can protect your car from one of the most common causes of car dents. Seek shelter during a storm in covered parking, or utilize the tools you have available to shield your car.
More Ways to Protect Your Car:
- 15 Essential Winter Driving Tips
- 7 Tips to Avoid Car Accidents During Bad Weather
- The Benefits of Car Protection Products
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