If your child has suffered at the hands of an abusive person, you should call a lawyer at once. They will help you to seek justice in the form of punishment for the perpetrator, as well as compensation for your suffering.
Make sure you gather all of the evidence, such as medical reports and photographs of injuries, as this will help your lawyer to win your case in court. Compensation will help you to feel like justice has been served and help you and your child move on following the event. Finally, you should make sure your child is emotionally supported following the abuse.
Call a Lawyer Immediately
As soon as your child tells you or you suspect that they have been mistreated, you should seek the professional help of a lawyer who specializes in crimes of abuse. Contact sexual abuse legal experts at ReichAndBinstock.com to discuss your situation and begin the process of seeking justice for your child’s suffering. A great lawyer who has expertise in this field will be able to help you prove that your child was abused.
Once this has been proven in a court of law, your child’s abuser will be punished and you may be awarded compensation. Both of these eventualities will help you to find closure following the event and move toward recovery for your child. Make sure your lawyer is an expert in this area and has a great track record in court.
Gather all of the Evidence
As soon as you spot signs of abuse, make sure to document them with photos and testimonies. Moreover, you should ask for CCTV footage if any is available and keep any incident reports. For instance, if the mistreatment has taken place in an education building, there should be measures in place to protect children and record all allegations of abuse. Any official documentation that demonstrates that an event took place should be kept.
Ask any witnesses to provide a statement and if the police are involved, make sure you have copies of any relevant paperwork that you are allowed to see. Take your child to a medical professional to be examined following the suspected event and make sure to keep a copy of any medical reports, medications, and ongoing treatment.
All of this evidence will help your lawyer in court to prove that your suspect committed a crime and that your child has suffered. This will help when it comes to proving guilt and seeking compensation for your child’s losses.
Seek Compensation
When your child has been abused, they are very likely to suffer both physical and psychological damages. Moreover, you may have to pay for therapy, medical procedures, or medication for your child following the event. Compensation aims to cover the financial losses you have suffered and make up for the other damages. While money cannot undo the trauma, it can make your life going forward that bit easier.
If you have to take time off work or seek further treatment for your child, this can be subsidized by the compensation awarded to you in court. Compensation is a way to help victims and their families get back to life as normal following a terrible event.
Organize Counseling for Your Child
Finally, following abuse, your child is likely to suffer some ongoing psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, shame, anxiety, or a loss of trust or self-confidence. All of these things can be very damaging long-term and need to be addressed.
Counseling is a great way to allow your child to voice their feelings in a safe space and work through the complicated issues around sexual abuse. This will help them to get back to a place where they can enjoy life and feel secure in social situations. You should seek therapy for your child even if they say they are alright. These issues may present themselves further down the line and cause issues later in your child’s life.
There is arguably nothing worse than the notion that someone might have mistreated your child, and in the event that this has occurred, the most important thing on your mind will be seeking justice. To do so, you will want to hire the expert help of a lawyer who specializes in sexual abuse to help you seek justice in court. Make sure to gather all of the relevant evidence of abuse and provide it to your lawyer. Then, you can seek compensation for your suffering. And lastly, make sure to support your child emotionally following the abuse. Counseling can make all the difference in their ability to process the event and move on.