Combining academic life with the joys and challenges of motherhood is one of the most difficult things to handle, especially if you are feeling financially restricted and have to face extreme levels of stress. According to statistical information offered by the National Center for Education Statistics, more than one-fifth of the learners currently enrolled represent young parents.
It makes it easy to estimate that we have about four million college students who have to cope with the challenge. The trickiest part is the schedule, as you have to keep up with all the deadlines. Luckily, there are many ways to make it all possible, as you will learn in a moment!
How to Balance Study and Motherhood
– Hybrid Studies Method and Procrastination.
One of the best solutions to consider when you wish to combine motherhood and your studies is the hybrid education method, which became possible and quite popular as of late. It stands for remote or virtual classes with exams and important practical assignments done in person. It means that you will have more free time to dedicate to your child without having to attend to strict schedules. Nevertheless, a flexible schedule also creates procrastination risks, so keep this fact in mind! While you have an opportunity, use the nap time for your studies and remember that proofreading aloud and editing can be handled by an expert by approaching WritingUniverse as a great solution. Discuss your needs with a trained specialist and explain that you need to get things checked, as you could have easily missed something important!
– Seeking Helpful Scholarships for Student Parents.
Another way to improve things a little bit is to consider both academic and non-academic merits scholarships. If you are a bright student and continue your post-graduate studies, you may get sponsorships and special daycare offers from the university. Likewise, as a single mother or someone in a state of financial need, you may be eligible for scholarships that are not based on academic achievements. Talk to your academic advisor about what might be available for you!
– Participation in Social and Community Work.
While it may sound contradictory to you, being around people will help you to improve your mental health and stay fit as you spend more time outside. Even with a youngster by your side, it’s possible to be a part of social campaigns and spend your time around mothers like you as you take part in various child-friendly activities. As you do community work, you can also be around your child and always have them near to check on them. It will help you to stay balanced and remain positive as you develop both soft and hard skills.
– Considering Additional Academic Assistance.
Some mothers at college prefer to cooperate with fellow students or seek assistance by attending special tutoring sessions, while others just do not know that such things exist! You can read this post here to learn why additional help is only natural and a legit way to gain a proper balance and be the best mother you can possibly be. It also does not mean that you have to risk your academic future when the help is out there and can be approached 24/7 when no college or university is available.
The Cooking Challenge!
Quite a lot will depend on the age of a child and the situation you have at home as it’s always possible to talk to your little helper about what they would like to eat or think about healthy snacks. This way, you can arrange your meals as well and discuss your studies and all the interesting age-appropriate things you have learned. As a rule, it is recommended to cook before you start studying, which may put an additional strain on your schedule, yet it always works out. Think about using menus and shopping only for those items that you need for a particular meal. It will help you to save time and know what must be cooked in advance. It is also a way to save your funds and avoid purchasing something that you may not need just for the sake of it!
Alice Barrios knows what it means to be a young college parent as she has made it through academic challenges and achieved success. As an educator and an advocate of women’s rights and motherhood, she loves to write and share helpful tips. Follow Alice to find inspiration, learn new things, and stay positive!
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