Trying to become a standout store in the CBD marketplace these days is incredibly challenging. It isn’t just that there are now more providers than ever before, but there is a lot more scrutiny from the public regarding their CBD choices.
It used to be the case that a store could specialize in CBD and be the only one of its kind for miles around. This gave them a massive edge in the marketplace and led to a near-monopoly of certain brands taking over most of the marketplace.
These days, however, it is a lot easier to open up a CBD store, making the market difficult to get ahead in. New cannabis-friendly stores don’t need to fret, however, because CBD brands are doing their best to help out.
Here is how many CBD brands are helping to pave the way for some great new stores worldwide.
How Brands Help Stores #1: Great, Catchy Marketing
With a growing number of CBD brands for customers to choose from, many companies have stepped up their marketing efforts to attract customers. CBD brands are investing time and money into designing catchy logos and slogans that customers remember and associate with the company.
The focus on catchy marketing benefits both the brand itself and stores that are selling their products. When customers are faced with several stores selling CBD products, they are much more likely to choose the one stocking brands that they recognize.
How Brands Help Stores #2: Easily Accessible Store Links
Most CBD brands sell products directly from the online store. The best brands also understand that not everyone wants to shop for CBD products in this way and that having their products in physical stores is essential.
Online stores are great for browsing all of the available options. Brand’s websites can also make detailed product information easily accessible to customers, including lab reports and product reviews.
After comparing the different products that a brand has on offer, the next question that many people then have is where they can find these products in actual stores. The best CBD brands understand this and have a section of their site dedicated to providing such information.
Store locators make products much more accessible to customers, saving them the time of walking around several stores before finding what they are looking for. They also promote stores that customers might not have known about.
How Brands Help Stores #3: Reviewing and Ranking Stores
It has become common for online CBD brands to not only list the physical stores where their products can be found but also to rank them and provide reasons why customers should check them out.
For example, PureKana reviews the resellers that offer their products. These reviews are beneficial for both customers and the owners of the stores being reviewed. Customers can shop with confidence, knowing that a CBD brand they trust is recommending a particular store.
Equally, store owners are benefitting from the positive reviews and customers being pointed in their direction.
How Brands Help Stores #4: Providing Attractive Displays
The CBD industry has been flooded with new brands and products over the last few years. It has become much more challenging for a brand to make their products stand out from the crowd even with the best marketing techniques and products to match.
CBD brands are increasingly working with stores to make their products the ones that grab customers’ attention. Some brands provide stores with attractive displays that can be used to demonstrate their products and showcase their best features.
Displays provided by brands rather than ones that are created by the store staff ensure that branding stays consistent. Customers are, generally, much more likely to purchase products from brands that they recognize and trust, making consistency in branding important for stores.
How Brands Help Stores #5: Product Events
It has also become popular for CBD brands to hold exclusive launch events for their new product lines in stores that they work closely with.
Special events held in stores help to raise awareness of both the products and the stores that are selling them. These events can also be an excellent way for customers to learn more about CBD and its many health benefits, and the ways in which it can be used.
It is usual for influencers to be invited to special launch events in return for promoting the products and the store. This is especially beneficial for the store and is a great way to increase customer numbers and brand awareness.
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